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A24 rat & stoat trap
Rats in your ceiling, your walls or your compost. The sight, the sound, just the thought of rats chomping through your insulation or scuttling about your home isn’t pretty. And stoats, lurking around hunting for native birds - that's not something we want either.
Our traps keep on top of your pest problem for you – automatically resetting to give you constant control. They’re also non-toxic and certified humane.
With Chirp for A24 you’ll know when your trap has been triggered and be reminded when to replace your lure and gas - now that’s smart trapping.
- Trap only gives you everything you need to start controlling rats and stoats.
- Trap with counter adds a Digital Strike Counter, so you know how many pests you’ve killed.
- Trap with Chirp is our most advanced trap. ‘Chirp’ upgrades the A24 trap to connect to your smartphone, letting you know everytime your trap kills a pest.
Choosing the right lure
To make sure we send you the right lure, remember to choose your Target Pest - rat or stoat.
Trapping indoors?
If you’re trapping indoors, or need to move your trap around more easily, you can add a trap stand to your order. Super handy.
From : https://goodnature.co.nz/